Within the Surgery we have created a new display board that you can find in the Surgery on the ground floor. This display is regarding the Alcohol awareness. This was created to support Alcohol Awareness Week | Alcohol Change UK the 1-7th of July. 

This boards share interesting information such as: 

  • Yet alcohol is harming our health and wellbeing on a daily basis, from the quality of the sleep we’re getting, to our relationships with those we love. And each year, thousands of people experience long-term health problems as a result of the alcohol they drink, or die from alcohol-related causes.
  • Every day in the UK more than 20 people die as a result of alcohol.
  • The harm doesn’t end with the individual; each of us who drinks too much is part of a family and a community who feel the effects too, whether through frequent use of emergency services, drink driving, violence or neglect.
  • One You can offer support with drinking less. They offer a Drink Less program which focuses on supporting people who are wanting to cut down or abstain for good. We can refer you to this service by speaking with one of our nurses or alternatively you can self-refer on the One you Lincolnshire website.